The hot end is the part of the 3D printer that heats up the filament and melts it so that it can be extruded through the nozzle. The hot end contains a heating element, thermistor and a nozzle.
The heating element is typically a metal block that is heated to the temperature required to melt the filament. Some printers use PTFE tubing wrapped around an alumina tube to keep the filament at a constant temperature.
A thermistor is a device that measures temperature and converts it into an electrical signal. It's usually located at the tip of the hot end so that it can measure the temperature of the filament as it leaves the nozzle.
The 3D Printer Nozzle is where molten plastic exits from when you print something with your 3D printer. It can be made from brass or stainless steel depending on what type of material your printer uses for its filament.